When a doctor makes a mistake, it can result in a serious health problem or even death.

How do misdiagnoses occur?

On Behalf of | Apr 11, 2018 | Uncategorized |

When Washington state residents go to a doctor for medical attention, the possibility of being misdiagnosed likely isn’t on their mind. Unfortunately, misdiagnoses do happen. If you have suffered because of a medical misdiagnosis, Miracle Pruzan & Pruzan, attorneys at law, are here to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Medical misdiagnoses can happen for a number of reasons. In some cases, it’s because the symptoms of your actual ailment closely mimic the symptoms of another, possibly more common one. Signs that you might be at risk for certain infections or diseases could be missed in the face of other, more pronounced symptoms. Genuine mistakes can lead to you not getting the treatment you need as quickly as you need it.

However, neglect or carelessness can also play a role at times. Hospital staff may be overworked. Due to poor sleep or time crunches, they may miss vital signs that would lead them to the right diagnosis. Patient charts may be mislabeled, leading to mix-ups among the staff. It’s even possible for someone’s handwriting to be so illegible that other members of staff cannot read a patient’s chart properly. These acts of negligence can cause you to suffer unnecessarily.

medical misdiagnosis can have huge, lasting negative repercussions for you and your loved ones. If you believe that you were misdiagnosed due to negligent medical staff, then you may want to take a look at our web page, linked here. From there, you can learn more about medical misdiagnoses cases and seek legal aid.