While many nursing homes and assisted living communities in Seattle strive to provide top care to residents, in some cases nursing home abuse or neglect can be a very serious issue. If you have a family currently residing in a nursing, knowing the common signs that neglect or abuse are taking place is crucial. That way you can address the issue head-on and get your loved one the help that he or she needs.
According to NextAvenue.com, there are a few common signs that indicate a real deficiency in the level of care afforded by a nursing home. For instance, the conditions within the home can be a good indicator of the overall quality of care. Unsanitary living areas (such as in kitchens or bathrooms) point to staff who are not invested in providing residents with clean living spaces. Not only can this greatly degrade one’s quality of life, it can also pose a health issue to those with compromised immune systems.
You should also be on the lookout for any injuries that occur without explanation. For residents struggling with mobility, nursing home staff must remain in-tune with their needs to ensure injuries do not occur. Falls are particularly damaging to the elderly, and in extreme cases can even result in death.
Residents of homes where abuse and neglect take place may also exhibit mental issues. Anxiety and depression often accompany abuse, as can episodes of self-abuse or neglect. If you notice that your loved one is withdrawn or less interested in things, making an inquiry into the root of the problem is of paramount importance.