People in Washington State who may themselves be in need of an organ transplant or who have loved ones waiting for new organs know all too well the importance of the human life. For many people on the wait list for a new organ, the receipt of such organ may literally...
Wrongful Death
Husband seeks justice for wife’s postpartum death
Expectant parents in Washington State should be able to enjoy the day that they bring their children into the world. However, for some people, the very day that should be one of the happiest days of their lives can too easily become one of the most tragic if either...
Preventable medical errors are more common than you think
Hospitals are places where people in Washington go to get better. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. If you have a loved one who went to the hospital, then experienced a worsened medical condition and died, it could be the result of a doctor mistake. At...
Venue change in wrongful death case
People in Washington State who believe they or their family member have been injured due to a medical error have reason to want to seek compensation. When a medical mistake or act of medical negligence leads to a person's death, that urge to be compensated can...
Medical errors to be spotlight on the big screen
As medical science continues to make advances in what is possible, another trend sadly continues. Patients in Washington State become the subjects of medical errors. In some situations, if they are lucky, people experience no injury or negative consequences from these...
Hospital admits guilt but no award is made in fatal error
People in Washington State who want to understand the process of seeking justice after a medical mistake has happened should know that there may be intricate details involved in doing this. Certainly being able to prove that an error was made is important but that is...
Understanding the wrongful death of infants
When Washington residents think about wrongful death, they may think of adults who died in work accidents. Infants and fetuses can also die wrongfully and parents may want to understand when the death of their baby is considered wrongful.Infants might die after birth...
What is wrongful death?
Losing a family member unexpectedly can be one of the most heartbreaking things you go through in life. It is even worse if your loved one’s death was due to someone’s negligence and could have been prevented. You and other Washington residents may rightly...
Types of mistakes made in hospitals
If you or someone in your family has to go to the hospital in Washington, you will likely have many questions for the doctors and medical staff. When preparing for a hospital visit or even once a visit has already commenced, it is important that you know some of the...
Understanding the ED triage process
People in Seattle may hear stories about patients dying in emergency department waiting rooms and worry that they might face the same scenario were they to present to the hospital in an emergent event. Many have developed a “first come, first serve”...