Moms and dads who are looking forward to the births of their new babies most often have ideas of how they want the births to occur. These ideas may well involve as little outside assistance as possible so that they may enjoy the natural birthing process as they welcome their new little ones into the world. Knowing that medical care is available if need be may be important indeed but this remains important.
In some deliveries, there may come a point when the decision needs to be made about how to help a baby make its way out of the mother’s womb. The most extreme option here is the Caesaran section but there are other options that do not require surgical intervention. However, that does not mean they are without their risks. These options include the use of a suction cup or a tool referred to as forceps.
Baby Center indicates that the suction cup may be an option if a baby’s head is far enough down the birth canal. Use of this cup may increase the risk of bleeding in the baby’s eyes and jaundice. For mothers, it may increase the chance that they experience tears or damage to their soft tissue in the birth region.
According to, forceps have tongs or fingers of sorts that grab a baby’s head near the cheek or ear area just enough to help pull it out of the birth canal while the mom pushes. These objects may also increase damage to soft tissue for mothers.