Despite an understandable desire to trust wholeheartedly in the care provided by doctors, nurses and other medical providers, Washington State residents know that they need to be proactive about their health care. This means they have to be aware of the fact that mistakes can and do happen. A poll conducted of patients by a group at the University of Chicago took a look at just what people have been experiencing in terms of medical errors today.
According to Beckers’ Hospital Review, more than one out of every five people polled stated that they personally had experienced a mistake made by a health care professional involving themselves. Of these respondents, 32 percent reported learning about the mistakes from their health care provider, hospital, clinic or other facility. Another 45 percent said that they were the ones who informed health care providers or facilities of the errors.
A missed, incorrect or untimely diagnosis were the top types of mistakes listed for all of the errors relating to the poll. Lack of proper attention to detail by medical professionals was the number one reason cited as a contributing factor in the errors. Also included in the survey were caregivers. More than 30 percent of respondents who were caregivers indicated they had witnessed an error involving a patient.
If you would like to learn more about medical errors and how you might seek compensation after experiencing such an error, please feel free to visit the health care provider mistakes page of our Washington State medical malpractice website.